
Showing posts from September, 2019


I will learn about more sites that will help me keep my e mail sercure and safe. ive also learned you should change youre password every 30 days to keep it safe. also you shouldnt use the same password for every web site if one gets hacked and its week they all the info to everything. another way to keep your e mail safe is using the 2 step  verification this sends a message to your  phone that requires you to put in a code they sent you.

How i read

I dont really like reading unless the book is interesting my experince last year with reading it was very boring the teacher would read and the books where really just boring the way i get interested in a book is when it has good characters and good story.

the making of essay

my experince with an essay its very stressful and boring sometimes i take to long thinking what i should right its not a fun experince in my opinon

for the win

Some things i think  i did good in this class, is that i setup my blog and its something i never knew how to do its something new